Sunday, December 28, 2014

Avoid Online Procrastination

How do you avoid procrastinating online? Don't. Avoid procrastinating by first procrastinating.
Actually embrace it when you feel the need--just make sure it's done before you start!
Sometimes when I get online, I feel a need to check facebook or just watch a funny YouTube clip.
But is doesn't always turn out so simple (usually not so brief). So instead, I start off topic on purpose.
Go check the weather, HabitRPG, or an email account. Just make sure the couple selected sites you can consistently go to have an end. YouTube does not; Facebook--not really.
By getting that urge out it will be easier to relax into the flow of work.
Lastly a warning, know--really know--when to take breaks. Burnout will ruin tenacious and even flexible routines. That should be an ultimate goal: developing a routine to stick with.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Anki Medicine: ANES204 Medical Education in the New Millennium (

  • Our eyes can deceive us. Our eyes alone don’t provide enough information.  We need more sources, more sensory appeals, more perspectives to understand the nuance and context of what we see.
  • Sometimes we need other people who can guide us toward correcting our mistakes and misconceptions. 
  • We often are resistant to information that contradicts what we think or know until we disprove it ourselves.
  • Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    Pineapple Express

    Hannskarl Bandel

    Michael O'Shaughnessy

    By 1994, Ice received less publicity and became removed from the public spotlight. After becoming more interested with the Rastafari movement, Ice became a vegetarian,[50] grew dreadlocks and talked more openly about smoking cannabis.[] (Vanilla Ice)

    Pot Collective Sprouts In Retirement Community

    Sunday, November 2, 2014

    Once you try crunchy you never go back to creamy.

    (Although, I am indifferent on hard or soft shell tacos.)
    Once you start online/mobile flashcards you'll forget about the index cards. ~online ~download for computer (so can put images in) ~Android

    I use all three, but the mobile version the most. It's great when walking between classes, waiting in a line or waiting for a friend to come eat. I've made so many flashcards this month that I now have to set aside time to actually finish major decks (as I have almost every subject imaginable)

    A bit of advise though (which I learned as a flashcard:)
    1. Don't learn if you don't understand.
    2. Learn before you memorize.
    3. Build upon the basics.
    (that was all from memory--even though I've not seen that card in weeks/months)

    Also, think of the rule of three: 3 min after, 9 min after (or just 10 min), 30 min after, 90 min after...and so on with multiples of three; the rate of forgetting is very high initially (try to think of the rate as forgetting as a steep exponential decay graph:)


    forgetting curve equation
    crude 5,10,30,90,180 min estimate for course tests/assessments

    Wednesday, October 22, 2014

    Sunday, October 5, 2014

    Study Group

    Berkeley College students studying together

    DOC]What to Do in Your Study Group

    The Coursera course Learning How to Learn, "if your study sessions start ten to fifteen minutes late,
    that indicates there is a problem with the functioning of your group.

    "Study groups are a good way to bounce ideas and concepts off of another brain in order to look at ideas from different view-points and further cement study material in your memory."

    "One of the best ways to catch your blind spots and errors is to brainstorm and work with others who are also smartly focused on the topic."

    Image credit:

    Tuesday, May 20, 2014

    Wozniak's 20 rules

    of formulating knowledge
    copied from Dr Piotr Wozniak:
    1. Do not learn if you do not understand
    2. Learn before you memorize - build the picture of the whole before you dismember it into simple items in SuperMemo. If the whole shows holes, review it again!
    3. Build upon the basics - never jump both feet into a complex manual because you may never see the end. Well remembered basics will help the remaining knowledge easily fit in
    4. Stick to the minimum information principle - if you continue forgetting an item, try to make it as simple as possible. If it does not help, see the remaining rules (cloze deletion, graphics, mnemonic techniques, converting sets into enumerations, etc.)
    5. Cloze deletion is easy and effective - completing a deleted word or phrase is not only an effective way of learning. Most of all, it greatly speeds up formulating knowledge and is highly recommended for beginners
    6. Use imagery - a picture is worth a thousand words
    7. Use mnemonic techniques - read about peg lists and mind maps. Study the books by Tony Buzan. Learn how to convert memories into funny pictures. You won't have problems with phone numbers and complex figures
    8. Graphic deletion is as good as cloze deletion - obstructing parts of a picture is great for learning anatomy, geography and more
    9. Avoid sets - larger sets are virtually un-memorizable unless you convert them into enumerations!
    10. Avoid enumerations - enumerations are also hard to remember but can be dealt with using cloze deletion
    11. Combat interference - even the simplest items can be completely intractable if they are similar to other items. Use examples, context cues, vivid illustrations, refer to emotions, and to your personal life
    12. Optimize wording - like you reduce mathematical equations, you can reduce complex sentences into smart, compact and enjoyable maxims
    13. Refer to other memories - building memories on other memories generates a coherent and hermetic structure that forgetting is less likely to affect. Build upon the basics and use planned redundancy to fill in the gaps
    14. Personalize and provide examples - personalization might be the most effective way of building upon other memories. Your personal life is a gold mine of facts and events to refer to. As long as you build a collection for yourself, use personalization richly to build upon well established memories
    15. Rely on emotional states - emotions are related to memories. If you learn a fact in the sate of sadness, you are more likely to recall it if when you are sad. Some memories can induce emotions and help you employ this property of the brain in remembering
    16. Context cues simplify wording - providing context is a way of simplifying memories, building upon earlier knowledge and avoiding interference
    17. Redundancy does not contradict minimum information principle - some forms of redundancy are welcome. There is little harm in memorizing the same fact as viewed from different angles. Passive and active approach is particularly practicable in learning word-pairs. Memorizing derivation steps in problem solving is a way towards boosting your intellectual powers!
    18. Provide sources - sources help you manage the learning process, updating your knowledge, judging its reliability, or importance
    19. Provide date stamping - time stamping is useful for volatile knowledge that changes in time
    20. Prioritize - effective learning is all about prioritizing. In incremental reading you can start from badly formulated knowledge and improve its shape as you proceed with learning (in proportion to the cost of inappropriate formulation). If need be, you can review pieces of knowledge again, split it into parts, reformulate, reprioritize, or delete. See also:Incremental reading, Devouring knowledge, Flow of knowledge, Using tasklists

    Thursday, February 20, 2014